Magento 2 Auto Currency Switcher


Magento 2 auto currency switcher automatically redirects visitors to a localized store view with local language & currency. 



For a Magento 2 multi store view, it is critically important to redirect visitors to relevant stores to generate sales. Stores which are not getting targeted traffic are not going to generate revenue. Optimized stores mean stores containing products, language, currency etc. according to the location of the visitors. 

As the name describes, auto currency switcher Magento 2 redirects visitors to a local store with local language & currency. It automatically detects visitor's location and switches them to a regionally optimized store view. The redirection is based on predefined rules. You can create regions and assign a default store to each region. So when a visitor visits from a specific region, they will be redirected to the assigned store view. This functionality is useful to generate targeted traffic where the chances of visitors making purchases are optimum. 

With Magento 2 auto currency & language switcher, customers get to read the store in local language and shop in local currency. 


Some Features of Magento 2 Currency Switcher

  • Auto language switcher
  • Auto currency switcher
  • Auto location detection
  • Up to date Maxmind IP database
  • Supports IP exceptions
  • Prompt box in footer
  • Set priorities among different groups