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Siteground team is based around the world - they have 83 team members on-staff. Site5 guarantees their uptime and support, so you never have to worry about anything.


Siteground offers:

  • Free domain name
  • Unlimited space & traffic
  • 24/7 customer care
  • 30 days money back

Visit Siteground Hosting


10 Web

10Web logo


10Web is the company offering WordPress building platform with everything that your WordPress needs including cloud hosting powered by Google Cloud. This makes it very fast and secure. 10Web hosting uses multiple data centers in the US, Europe, and Asia so you can select the data center close to your website visitors, minimizing data transfer time between user and server.


10Web hosting features:


  • Google Cloud
  • The Ultimate Speed
  • Elastic Scaling
  • Staging Areas
  • Advanced Backup Service
  • Caching
  • Automatic Migration


Visit 10Web Hosting


How to install Zend Optimizer on Windows

The Zend Optimizer goes over the intermediate code generated by the standard Zend run-time compiler and optimizes it for faster execution. In addition, the Zend Optimizer enables PHP to load and execute files encoded by using Zend Guard. The standard Zend run-time compiler used by PHP is indeed extremely fast, generating code that is usually 2 to 10 times faster. But an application that uses the Zend Optimizer typically executes another 40% to 100% faster. The current version of the Zend Optimizer works with PHP versions 4.2.x through version 4.4.x and versions 5.0.x, 5.1.x that are compiled without debug support (the default configuration of the standard PHP package).


What is Cloud Hosting?

Over the past few years, web server technology – much like everything else related to computers – has made incredible strides. Hosting companies have used all of these advances to create a new type of web server platform, typically called cloud hosting.


Hosting Facts

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logo-colored-black2Hosting Facts provides honest non-biased web hosting provider reviews based on uptime, page load speed and pric

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Finding the Right Small Business E-Commerce Hosting Plan

User Rating: / 5

Why Every Business Needs A Good Business E-Commerce Plan To Get There WebSite Launched



User Rating: / 4

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Since 2003 AwardSpace have developed an outstanding service on a great price, while maintaining a "Made in Germany" quality for all of their clients!

AwardSpace offers:

  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • Unlimited Web sites
  • Scalable Cloud Hosting Platform

Visit AwardSpace


Hosting reviews

If you are looking to start a website or blog you need to face the challenge of determining which web host to go with. We highly recommend you to check this review/comparison page where you can find a summary of the best web hosting services 2017.


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